Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Tags Posts tagged with "International Column"

Tag: International Column

“Wanna succeed then try your best to fail”

Vineet Gambhir, VP & Head of Talent, Yahoo, Singapore believes a well defined ‘failure plan’ is the best route to success

Nato’s Missile-Defense System

NATO’s missile defense demonstrates European allies’ commitment to security. Is NATO’s missile-defense system what transatlantic teamwork looks like today?

Private equity performance: What do we actually know?

The debate with respect to ROI in private equity has always been rife. But a new research suggests that investors in buyout funds have...

Has Microsoft Corporation become too innovative?

10 Reasons Customers Might Resist Windows 8 - Professor Rosabeth Moss Kanter, a leader in the field of change management, discusses reasons that people...

Making America an industrial powerhouse. Again!

President Obama’s funding of the National Network of Manufacturing Innovation is a needed step to get the country building again, writes HBS Professor Gary...

Private equity infusion: Creative or destructive?

In the wake of a buyout, old jobs are destroyed at firms backed by PE at a faster pace than at other firms. But...

Making America an industrial powerhouse. Again!

President Obama’s funding of the National Network of Manufacturing Innovation is a needed step to get the country building again, writes HBS Professor Gary...

Marissa Mayer’s ‘Bridge-the-Gap-with-workers’ challenge

Yahoo! CEO Mayer’s decision to alter HR policies has set off a firestorm. Prof. Lakshmi Ramarajan of Harvard Business School writes an HBS Working...